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Caution: Dealer License Plate Replicas Used in Crimes

Friday, April 29, 2022 3:56 PM | Anonymous
The CATA received a call from a dealer member who reported a new fraud issue. This dealer received four separate calls from police that their dealer license plates were involved in various crimes. The dealer was able to prove that the plates in question were locked in a safe in their dealership at the dates and times of the alleged crimes and, therefore, were able to successfully contest the charges and fines.

Here are a couple of important reminders from the Illinois Statewide Auto Theft Taskforce (ISATT):
  • Dealerships should always keep records on who has their dealer plates and when, so when a police department inquires, they can confidently account for the plate in question.  
  • Once a calendar year is over and that year’s plates are expired, the old plates need to be destroyed and must be verified that they are in fact destroyed.  
Be sure to report any crime to ISATT or contact them with any questions.

ISATT Contact Information:

Chicago Automobile Trade Association
18W200 Butterfield Rd.
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 
(630) 495-2282


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