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Nominations for Time magazine award for dealers due July 17

Monday, July 13, 2020 6:28 PM | Anonymous
Nominations for the 2021 Time Dealer of the Year award, which honors new-car dealers for their business acumen and community service, must be received by the CATA by Friday, July 17.
Contact the CATA for a nomination ballot. Criteria for eligible nominees appear on the ballot.
The Civic and Dealer Relations Committee of the CATA board of directors will review all nominations and submit the name of one CATA candidate for consideration for the national award.
A panel composed of faculty at the University of Michigan will identify finalists from four NADA regions and the national winner. Nominees will be judged on sales record, ethics, customer satisfaction, and other dealership efforts; plus their service to community and humanity, and any civic, political and educational activities.
The winner and finalists will be named Jan. 22 as part of NADA Show in New Orleans.

Chicago Automobile Trade Association
18W200 Butterfield Rd.
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 
(630) 495-2282


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