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  • Friday, November 24, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Western Golf Association (WGA) awarded Dennis O’Keefe, CATA general counsel, with the Donald D. Johnson Lifetime Achievement Award for his work with the Evans Scholarship. The mission of the Western Golf Association/Evans Scholars Foundation is as follows: “We change lives — on golf courses, in classrooms, and in communities. Our world-class amateur and professional golf events enable us to provide deserving caddies with transformational college educational experiences that go well beyond full tuition and housing scholarships. In doing so, we prepare young people to become leaders who give back so that others may follow.”

    O’Keefe served as WGA Director in 1992 and as Chairman from 2014-2015. He was instrumental in bringing the Western Amateur to the Glen View Club in 2021, when the club raised $1 million for Evans Scholars.

    Congratulations to Dennis O’Keefe!

  • Friday, November 24, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We all know dealers are the pillars of their communities and raise money for local charitable organizations throughout the year. The CATA wants to help spotlight its dealer members’ charitable efforts, throughout the holiday season and all year long.

    Please send any information, press releases, images, videos, etc. to Communications & Marketing Manager Hayley Feichter for a special spotlight in our next e-Headlines and for our social media channels.

  • Friday, November 24, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    [From the Herald-News] The mayor of Joliet reverted to his business role Thursday when hosting a ribbon-cutting for the largest Hyundai dealership in North America. The 67,500-square-foot dealership building on Essington Road is three times the size of Terry D’Arcy’s former Hyundai location.

    “It’s the biggest in North America,” D’Arcy said while conducting a tour of the new facility. “I have a lot of faith in Hyundai. I plan to grow into it.”

    The Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce with D’Arcy held a ribbon-cutting ceremony Nov. 9. The front showroom area was spacious enough to hold the large crowd that attended. D’Arcy was joined by Tia Battle, Hyundai director and general manager for the central region, and others for the event.

    “We are so very happy that you are part of the Hyundai family,” Battle said at the ceremony, noting that D’Arcy is part of the Hyundai Brand Ambassadors group that includes the top dealers in the nation.

    Battle mentioned some of D’Arcy’s other achievements beyond being elected mayor of Joliet in April. He served as president and chairman of the Chicago Auto and Trade Association and also is a past chairman of the Chicago Auto Show.

    The Hyundai dealership at 2000 Essington Road sits next to the D’Arcy Buick-GMC dealership on 25 acres of land where D’Arcy has established his Joliet business. He also has a dealership in Morris for Chevrolet, Buick and Cadillac vehicles. D’Arcy has been a Hyundai dealer for 23 years. He has been an auto dealer for 32 years.

    The car wash at the Joliet property can wash 80 vehicles an hour, a feature D’Arcy said comes in handy, as every vehicle that gets serviced also gets a car wash. The Buick-GMC and Hyundai dealerships each have 38 service bays.

    Customers may not notice it, but as they drive into the service area, they cross over a fixture equipped with technology to measure tire tread depth, check the brakes and conduct other safety checks. “It takes 40 pictures of your car,” D’Arcy said. “This is the latest technology.”

    The Hyundai dealership is equipped with eight charging stations – four on the outside and four on the inside – for electric vehicles. In a matter of weeks, Hyundai customers will be able to bring their vehicles back to the dealership for charging, which can take a half-hour, and wait inside where a customer service area includes Starbucks coffee machines. The dealership also features an indoor staging area, where a buyer’s car is parked right by the desk where the transaction is completed.

    D’Arcy bought the Essington Road property 20 years ago. He opened the Buick-GMC dealership 15 years ago, and that facility has doubled in size since he opened it.

    The Hyundai dealership may be a little large, but D’Arcy said it’s built for expansion. “We want to grow into it,” he said, “not out of it.”

  • Friday, November 24, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Kia continues to take comprehensive action to support our customers in response to this situation that has been created by criminals using methods of theft promoted and popularized on social media to steal or attempt to steal certain vehicle models.

    Kia strongly encourages eligible customers to have the software upgrade that developed and rolled out earlier this year installed. The upgrade is designed to restrict the operation of the vehicle’s ignition system should a potential criminal attempt to steal a locked vehicle without the key, and Kia remains confident that this upgrade further enhances the vehicle’s security once it is installed. To date, close to 900,000 vehicles nationwide have received the upgrade and Kia continues to spread awareness about its availability by establishing a dedicated website with detailed information here, hosting off-site events in multiple cities – Milwaukee, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Rochester, Seattle and Philadelphia – to make it easier for eligible customers to have the upgrade installed, and partnering with Carfax to inform owners that their vehicle is eligible for the upgrade. Planning for similar events in the Chicago area in coming months has commenced.

    Kia will also continue to provide steering wheel locks to owners of impacted vehicles that are not eligible for the software upgrade at no cost to them. These free steering wheel locks further enhance the vehicle’s security and can serve as a theft-deterrent for potential car thieves. Kia customers can obtain free, Kia-provided locks through their local law enforcement or they can request a steering wheel lock from Kia directly through the dedicated website. To date, Kia has distributed more than 300,000 locks and Kia will continue to provide them as they are needed. Earlier this year, Kia also announced an agreement that will allow customers who have been impacted by vehicle thefts to receive additional benefits and the brand is hopeful that the individuals who have been affected will soon be able to access these benefits.

    Kia feels lawsuits filed by municipalities against the brand, like the one filed by the city of Chicago earlier this year, are without merit and should be dismissed. Like all Kia vehicles, the specific models at issue in this case are subject to and comply fully with the requirements outlined in applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, including FMVSS 114 that governs theft protection measures. Additionally, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has publicly stated that it has not determined that this issue constitutes either a safety defect or non-compliance requiring a recall under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

    Kia is actively working cooperatively with law enforcement agencies in the city of Chicago and across the country to combat car theft and the role social media has played in encouraging it and remains committed to supporting customers and to vehicle security.

  • Tuesday, November 21, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Chicago City Council has passed the new Chicago Paid Leave and Paid Sick and Safe Leave Ordinance (the “Ordinance”).

    • The Ordinance will take effect on December 31, 2023.
    • The Ordinance will replace the Chicago Paid Sick Leave Ordinance currently in effect. Like the version of the Paid Sick Leave Ordinance currently in effect, Chicago employees will be entitled to earn up to 40 hours of Paid Sick Leave per 12-month accrual period. However, under the new Ordinance, Chicago employees also will be entitled to earn up to 40 hours of Paid Leave per 12-month accrual period, usable for any reason.
    • With a total entitlement of up to 80 hours of paid time off per 12-month period, the new Ordinance is one of the most generous paid time off laws in the country and will likely require policy changes for all Chicago employers prior to the end of the year.

    Covered Employers and Employees

    The Ordinance applies to all employers with employees in Illinois. The Ordinance covers employees who, in any two-week period, perform at least two hours of work while physically present within the geographic boundaries of Chicago.

    The Ordinance does not affect the validity or change the terms of a sick leave or PTO policy in a valid collective bargaining agreement (CBA) in effect on January 1, 2024. Following that date, the requirements of the Ordinance may be waived in a bona fide CBA if the waiver is set forth explicitly in the agreement in clear and unambiguous terms. Employees working in the construction industry who are covered by a bona fide CBA are exempt from the Ordinance.

    Accrual, Carryover, and Frontloading

    On January 1, 2024, or when employment begins – whichever is later – covered employees will accrue one hour of Paid Sick Leave and one hour of Paid Leave for every 35 hours worked. Time will be accrued in whole-hour increments and not in fractions of an hour. However, employers with more generous policies can maintain a monthly accrual. Exempt employees are presumed to work 40 hours per workweek for the purposes of accrual unless their regular workweek is less than 40 hours, in which case paid leave accrues based on that regular workweek.

    Employees are entitled to accrue up to 40 hours of Paid Sick Leave and 40 hours of Paid Leave in a 12-month accrual period. Employees may carry over up to 80 hours of Paid Sick Leave and up to 16 hours of Paid Leave from one 12-month accrual period to the next.

    In lieu of accruing time, employers may frontload 40 hours of Paid Sick Leave and 40 hours of Paid Leave on the first day of the 12-month accrual period. If the full 40 hours of Paid Leave are frontloaded at the beginning of the 12-month accrual period, unused time does not carry over from one 12-month period to the next. The unused time can be forfeited unless the employer denies access to the time in a manner that prevents the employee from having meaningful access to their paid time off, in which case the employee must be permitted to carry over the denied hours. Importantly, frontloading 40 hours of Paid Sick Leave does not eliminate an employer’s obligation to carry over up to 80 hours of unused Paid Sick Leave from one 12-month accrual period to the next.

    To summarize, because the Ordinance does not impose usage caps, if an employer selects an accrual method, an employee could be entitled to use up to 56 hours of Paid Leave and 120 hours of Paid Sick Leave by the employee’s third 12-month accrual period. If an employer instead selects the frontload method, an employee would still be entitled to use up to 120 hours of Paid Sick Leave by the employee’s third 12-month accrual period, but they would not have more than 40 hours of Paid Leave to use in a single 12-month accrual period.

    Using Leave

    Employees may not use their Paid Sick Leave until they have completed 30 days of employment, and they may not use their Paid Leave until they have completed 90 days of employment.

    Employers may set a reasonable minimum increment of use for Paid Sick Leave and Paid Leave. The minimum increment for Paid Sick Leave may not exceed two hours and the minimum increment for Paid Leave may not exceed four hours. If an employee’s shift length is less than the minimum increment of use, the minimum increment of use will be the length of the employee’s scheduled shift.

    Employees may choose to use Paid Sick Leave or Paid Leave prior to using any other leave provided by the employer or by the city, state, or federal law.

    Reasons for Use

    Paid Leave may be used for any reason. Paid Sick Leave may continue to be used for the same reasons employees can take leave under the current Chicago Paid Sick Leave Ordinance, namely:

    • The employee is ill or injured, or for the purpose of receiving professional care, including preventative care, diagnosis, or treatment, for medical, mental, or behavioral issues, including substance use disorders;
    • The employee’s family member is ill, injured, or ordered to quarantine, or to care for a family member receiving professional care, including preventative care, diagnosis, or treatment, for medical, mental, or behavioral issues, including substance use disorders;
    • The employee or family member is the victim of domestic violence, a sex offense, or trafficking;
    • The employee’s place of business is closed by order of a public official due to a public health emergency or the employee needs to care for a family member whose school, class, or place of care has been closed; or
    • The employee obeys an order issued by the mayor, the governor of Illinois, the Chicago Department of Public Health, or a treating health care provider, requiring the employee to: stay at home to minimize the transmission of a communicable disease, remain at home while experiencing symptoms or sick with a communicable disease, or obey a quarantine order or isolation order issued to the employee.

    Requesting and Documenting Leave

    Employers may require up to seven days’ advance notice of a foreseeable need for Paid Leave or Paid Sick Leave. If the need for Paid Sick Leave is unforeseeable, employers may require notice as soon as practicable on the day the employee intends to use the Paid Sick Leave. The Paid Sick Leave notice requirement will be waived in the event the employee is unable to give notice because the employee is unconscious or otherwise medically incapacitated.

    Employers may not require documentation for the use of Paid Leave. However, as with the current Chicago Paid Sick Leave Ordinance, an employer may require certification that Paid Sick Leave was used for a permissible reason for absences of more than three consecutive workdays. Reasonable documentation may include the following:

    • Documentation signed by a licensed health care provider,
    • A police report,
    • A court document,
    • A signed statement from an attorney, member of the clergy, or victim services advocate, or
    • Any other evidence that supports the employee’s claim, including a written statement from the employee or any other person who has knowledge of the circumstances.

    The employee may choose which document to submit and may not be required to provide more than one document per incident of violence or perpetrator of violence. The employer may not delay commencement of Paid Sick Leave or delay wages because the employer has not received certification.

    Using Existing Leave Policies

    Employers may use their existing paid leave policies for compliance. If an employer has a policy that grants Paid Leave or Paid Sick Leave in an amount and manner that meets or exceeds the requirements of the Ordinance, the employer is not required to provide additional Paid Leave or Paid Sick Leave. However, the existing policy will need to be modified to comply with all other aspects of the Ordinance. If an employer’s current Chicago paid sick leave policy does not comply with the requirements of the new Ordinance, any Paid Sick Leave the employee is entitled to roll over from one 12-month accrual period to the next must be transferred to Paid Sick Leave under the new Ordinance.

    Unlimited PTO Policies

    The Ordinance explicitly addresses the intersection with so-called “unlimited paid time off” policies. If employers immediately provide unlimited paid time off on the employee’s first date of employment and the beginning of each subsequent 12-month accrual period, the employer need not track any carryover of unused time. Employers may not require preapproval for paid time off offered under an unlimited policy.

    Even though accruals are untracked under an unlimited paid time off policy, employers must pay employees the monetary equivalent of 40 hours of paid time off minus the hours of paid time off used in the 12-month accrual period upon an employee’s termination, resignation, retirement, separation, or transfer outside of the geographic limits of the City, unless otherwise provided in a CBA. If the employee used more than 40 hours of paid time off in the 12-month accrual period prior to separation or transfer, the employee would not owe the employer compensation.

    Rate of Pay

    Employees must receive their regular rate of pay when using Paid Sick Leave and Paid Leave, which includes continuing health care benefits if the employee receives health care benefits from their employer. The regular rate of pay for nonexempt employees will be calculated by dividing the employee’s total wages by total hours worked in full pay periods of the prior 90 days of employment. Wages do not include overtime pay, premium pay, tips or gratuities, or commissions. However, an employee’s hourly rate of pay for leave under the Ordinance cannot drop below the employee’s base hourly wage or the applicable minimum wage.

    End of Employment, Rehire, and Transfer

    If an employee is transferred to a separate division, entity, or location but remains employed by the same employer, the employee is entitled to all Paid Sick Leave and Paid Leave accrued at the prior division, entity, or location and is entitled to use the accrued leave at the new division, entity, or location.

    Upon an employee’s termination, resignation, retirement, other separation, or transfer outside of the geographic limits of the City, certain employers are required to pay the employee the monetary equivalent of all unused accrued Paid Leave, dependent on the number of covered employees. Employees working outside Chicago or in other states are not counted toward these thresholds. Small employers (1-50 covered employees) are not required to pay out unused Paid Leave upon separation or transfer. Medium employers (51-100 covered employees) are required to pay out up to 16 hours of Paid Leave on separation or transfer through December 31, 2024. On or after January 1, 2025, medium employers will be required to pay out all unused Paid Leave on separation or transfer. Large employers (>100 covered employees) must pay out all unused Paid Leave upon separation or transfer effective January 1, 2024.

    If an employee has not been offered a work assignment for at least 60 days, the employer must notify the employee in writing that the employee may request a payout of their accrued Paid Leave.

    Employers are not required to pay out Paid Sick Leave upon termination, resignation, retirement, separation, or transfer outside of the geographic limits of the City.

    Overlap with State Law

    Chicago employees will be covered by the Ordinance only, not the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act.

    Contact your HR and employment law partner and have your handbook reviewed and updated by our consulting and legal team. For assistance, contact us at 423-764-4127 or by email at

  • Friday, November 10, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sellers of clean vehicles should register their dealerships immediately on the Energy Credits Online tool, if they want to be in a position to receive advance payments starting Jan. 1, 2024.

    Energy Credits Online or IRS ECO, is a free electronic service that is secure, accurate and requires no special software. Clean vehicle sellers should begin the online enrollment process immediately. The IRS encourages any dealer or seller to register using Energy Credits Online by Dec. 1, 2023, to share in its benefits and ensure that by Jan. 1, 2024, dealers and sellers are ready to submit time-of-sale reports and receive advance payments. The tool will generate a time-of-sale report the taxpayer will use when filing their federal tax return to claim or report the credit.

    Beginning in 2024, clean vehicle sellers and licensed dealers must use the tool for their customers to successfully claim or transfer the new or previously owned clean vehicle credit for vehicles placed in service Jan.1, 2024, or later.

    To participate and take advantage of the new and used clean vehicle credits available to taxpayers, a dealer must register through the IRS Energy Credits Online tool.  

    Initially, only one individual representative of the dealer or seller can complete the registration through IRS Energy Credits Online: That representative must be currently authorized to legally bind the dealer or seller. Future enhancements of the tool will allow dealers and sellers to authorize more than one employee to submit time-of-sale reports and advance payment requests. Authorizing additional employees is an easy update for registered dealers.

    More information about clean vehicle credits and tax benefits from the Inflation Reduction Act is available on

  • Friday, November 10, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Seeing no action in the Veto Session that ended yesterday, the warranty reimbursement provisions of the Motor Vehicle Franchise Act remain in place. These provisions ensure that both dealers and their technicians are fairly compensated for repairing vehicles covered under manufacturer warranty.

    Thank you for your support in contacting local and state legislators to help head off any potential legislative action. The CATA will continue to monitor the situation in an effort to ensure that this legislation is not altered.

  • Friday, November 10, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A decision has now been reached by the hearing officer in the Illinois protest of Ford’s Model e program. The protesting dealers prevailed on every count and the hearing officer suggested the Illinois Motor Vehicle Review Board (MVRB) award attorneys’ fees and costs to the dealers. Additionally, the hearing officer determined that the Model e program constituted a modification of the franchise agreement, as defined by Illinois law. The hearing officer further found that the dealers' participation in the Model e program was not voluntary but rather coercive, with Ford implicated for acting in bad faith. Furthermore, the hearing officer made a clear distinction between this proposed decision and the prior adverse ruling in South Dakota.

    The proposed decision now goes to the MVRB for review in mid-November.

  • Friday, November 10, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Raymond Chevrolet in Antioch was featured on the National Automobile Dealers Association's (NADA) website, after winning a nationwide photo contest. The winning image, showcasing the dealership's staff dressed in pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, will grace NADA's homepage for two weeks.

    The photo contest, organized monthly by NADA, invites dealerships across the United States to submit images of their team at their dealership. The goal is to showcase a dealership's unique personality and culture. Raymond Chevrolet's entry not only reflected their dedication to giving back but also celebrated Breast Cancer Awareness Month in a uniquely heartwarming way.

    And the significance of the winning photo goes beyond recognition; it also represents Raymond Chevrolet's continued commitment to supporting vital causes. In alignment with their commitment to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the dealership pledged to donate a portion of their proceeds for every test drive taken in October to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting breast cancer.

  • Friday, November 10, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Through its Driving a Cleaner Illinois program, the Illinois EPA announced the Driving a Cleaner Illinois – Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) EV Charging Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the purchase and installation of new Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) light-duty electric vehicle charging stations at publicly accessible locations. This $27 million opportunity is being made available through Governor Pritzker’s bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital plan for electric vehicle projects authorized under CEJA. The NOFO and related documents have been posted to the Illinois EPA website. Applications must be submitted to by 5:00 pm CT on December 22, 2023.

Chicago Automobile Trade Association
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Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 
(630) 495-2282


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